Corporate social responsibility

Matusz-Vad Zrt. has become known as the reliable supplier of impeccable catering industry in Hungary. The most important mission of our company is to serve the Hungarian gastronomy and the development of domestic catering units with well-known branded products of stable quality and practical packaging.

Continuous innovation, fast adaptation to changing market demands, application of state-of-the-art technologies and highly qualified professionals - these are the key values of our company that guarantee first-class products and accurate, reliable and efficient service for our partners.

Matusz-Vad Zrt. gives a special attention to the standards of products and services provided by it, and we have also understood that we are responsible for the society and environment surrounding us. Our company has established a business conduction to contribute to sustainable development in accordance with its own economic interests and activities.

Providing our stakeholders with as much information as we can while taking the aspects of society, economics and environmental protection into consideration is an important part of our strategy.

  1. Social responsibility of Matusz-Vad Zrt.
  2. “The social responsibility of a company means that a business entity has a permanent dedication towards ethical behaviour and contribution to the economic development, while increasing the quality of life of its employees and their families, and also increasing the quality of life of the local communities and the wider society.” (Watts, Holme [1998], Page 6)

    1. Primarily, Matusz-Vad Zrt. focuses on providing high-level services to its customers. Being a partner of catering industry not only with our products, but also with our services is considered as significant by our company.
      1. We intend to provide our customers with innovative and new solutions continuously. Creating our dry goods division has allowed our partners to purchase everything from one single reliable source. This step has allowed Matusz-Vad Zrt. to became a uniquely significant supplier of the Hungarian catering industry.
      2. Our website and online store provide permanent, correct information to anyone who is interested. We make our product range and prices available, and we also help your decision with recipe ideas, professional tips and advices.
      3. Personal contact, developer communication and human relationships are essential for our operation, our customers can rely on us in any matter, our call centre is available almost 24/7.
      4. Satisfying the needs of our customers is the most important thing for us, we also try to satisfy unique demands in addition to the standard service level, such as unscheduled deliveries or packing the products right into your fridges.
      5. By creating our showrooms, Matusz-Vad Zrt. has reached a new segment, the retail customers. Selling our products in showrooms in smaller quantities allows anyone outside the catering industry to prepare professional meals by using quality ingredients.
    2. As we perform wholesale activity, our suppliers have a significant role among our stakeholders In addition to looking for the best prices for the best quality, we also have the mission of supporting the development of the market of Hungary, the Hungarian producers and the local communities. 80% of the products sold by us is supplied by Hungarian suppliers.
    3. We cannot ignore our competitors as well, we believe that fair market competition and ethic business behaviour are providing a basis for our operation.
    4. As we have already mentioned in the introduction, the objective of our company is not only taking responsibility towards external stakeholders, but also supporting our own employees.

    Matusz-Vad Zrt. conducts a far-sighted and conscious human resources policy, which allows us to employ our colleagues in different life situations, in addition to ensuring the competitiveness of our company.

      1. Our company is at the forefront of promoting telework, which is still not known widely by the SMEs of Hungary. We provide telephones and computers to our call centre division employees working at home, so they can perform their work inside their own homes, making the situation of parents, disabled persons and members of large families more easy.
      2. We support employment during maternity leave and part-time employment, thereby taking the interests of families into consideration.
      3. We give special attention to the employment of persons in disadvantages situations concerning the employment. We provide an opportunity to first-stage employees and persons younger than 25 years to practice and exploit the knowledge they have just obtained. Employing such persons is beneficial for both parties: we provide them with an opportunity to acquire experience and learn more with the safety of a market-leading company, and they bring fresh knowledge and new perspectives to the company.
      4. Our company has entered into a cooperation agreement with Szent István University, which allows students to participate in traineeships at Matusz-Vad Zrt. The trainees can have an insight to the operation of the company, they receive information on any matter concerning them, and they also perform actual work which allows them to gain professional experience, which will provide them with many benefits later as employees. Of course, we also allow them to prepare their theses about our company if they request us, we help them to choose a subject, and we also provide them with professional help in the preparation of their works.
      5. For our sales colleagues, we organize trainings at territorial level in every month, and at national level in every two months, where we allow them to develop their professional knowledge and personality with the help of lecturers and teachers.
      6. We find it important that our employees maintain good relationships with each other, the programs and events organized for the whole company in every 2-3 months provide good occasions for this (such as dragon boating, showroom opening events, end-of-year Christmas dinner, etc.). In addition, our divisions participate in team building events frequently, also for the purpose of improving communication and promoting effective cooperation.

  3. Responsibility for environmental protection
  4. Matusz-Vad Zrt. conducts a conscious environmental protection policy, mostly including measures to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide. We are continuously looking for the opportunities and solutions to reduce office waste and energy use to the lowest possible level.

    We believe that many a little makes a mickle, sometimes we can protect our environment, our place of living, and thereby the Earth with small, sometimes even unremarkable actions.

    1. We apply separate waste collection in our office complex, so the disposed paper, plastic and aluminium waste can be recycled.
    2. We use compostable / organic waste for fertilising our plants and landscape gardening.
    3. Our living decorative plants not only improve our workplace environment, but they also serve to protect our planet by producing oxygen.
    4. We apply a timing for the lighting of the building, so we do not waste energy, and depending on the weather conditions, we pay attention to energy use personally.
    5. We only use energy saving, long-standing light bulbs in our building.
    6. Our computers and other electronic devices belong to energy consumption class A, which reduces our energy consumption significantly.
    7. The settings of our mobile phones and laptops ensure that they switch into a power saving mode automatically after a certain period of (short) inactivity.
    8. If possible, for the cases when “bringing our colleagues to the same space” requires travelling, we intend to conduct remote conferences, thereby reducing the harmful emission of fuel. We have introduced the practice that local sales meetings, where employees living / working at different places in Hungary, are performed through a central office by phone.
    9. In the signatures of our emails, we draw attention to environmental protection and the possibility of avoiding the use of printers, but if using paper is inevitable for them, we intend to work with recycled materials and we prefer printing in black and white.
    10. We maintain a web-based company database which allows our colleagues to access the necessary documents virtually, so they are stored at system level instead of storing paper copies. This has reduced the use of paper and the storage capacity.

    We intend to indicate the type of waste on the packages of our products in the future, thereby making the separate collection of waste more easy, and we have also considered the possibility of accepting the returned package material waste.

  5. Economic aspects of CSR at Matusz-Vad Zrt.
  6. As a result of our scope of activities, our credo is based on responsible livestock farming, and not only to the extent necessary for the compliance with statutory provisions.

    We visit and examine our suppliers according to the above aspects regularly, and we also consider the compliance with hunting rules and mercifulness as a primary aspect in relation to games / game meats.

    As we have already mentioned, as being a company with 100% Hungarian foundation and ownership, we feel that we are obliged to support the development of the Hungarian market, 80% of our product portfolio consists of Hungarian products.

    We feel that supporting animal protection and animal care organizations is a very important task of us. Our donations are delivered to communities who really are in need, we donate meat regularly to People for Animals Foundation situated in Győr. We plan to visit animal shelters and to help them with workforce (dog walking, cleaning) sometimes in the future.

    Later we intend to require our suppliers to use only recycled package materials, and we will examine how do they promote social responsibility.